A space for innovation

Deep Transitions Lab

Welcome to the lab

The DT Lab is a platform to accelerate systems change. Investors need science, tools and practices to gear investments towards long-term change and create resilient portfolios. Using the Transformative Investment Philosophy, we help organisations move away from a case-by-case focus that favours system optimisation. Instead stretching investment portfolios to contribute to systems change by targeting the rules that underpin our current systems. This directs investments towards the root causes of unsustainable practices.

what we do

The lab’s mission is to establish a niche in the investment industry and contribute to its scaling. Ultimately, this will plant the seeds for change in the broader financial industry and help spark sustainability revolution. The work programme of the Deep Transitions Lab consists of three core elements that jointly contribute to its mission: experimentation, research and learning. You can learn more with our Theory of Change.


We run an experimentation programme, executed with partners from the investment industry, to build practical skills, knowledge and experience in implementing transformative investment in their organisations. The experiments also aim to uncover (and even create) new investment opportunities in overlooked areas with high transformative potential.


Our training and outreach programme creates a global network of investors, policy makers and academics. The learning programme will build knowledge, foster mutual learning and provide training and capacity-building to practitioners, as well as for the next generation. We have also built a learning hub offering tools, materials and methods for investing in systems change.


Our research programme develops tools and metrics that feed the experimentation programme. It will also conduct foundational research to deepen the theoretical understanding of Deep Transitions and transformative investment, and to further advance its concepts, tools and metrics.

tools for systems change

The DT Lab has launched a learning hub complete with tools, learning materials, case studies and frameworks that help organisations move towards systems change.

We will share learnings from our experimentation and research programmes, and facilitate knowledge exchange between investors, helping to grow the community and support field building.

Through the hub, users will be able to draw on Deep Transitions theory to understand dynamics of change in systems, work with system maps, construct pathways towards desirable futures, construct transformative theories of change and develop monitoring, evaluation and learning plans, including metrics.

Shapers of the future

Joining the lab can position partners as shapers of a niche in the finance industry. We are uniquely positioned to create connections with others across the globe in different parts of the investment and public innovation spaces. 

Why partner with us?

─ Get access to tools, support and frameworks that moves your portfolio towards achieving systems change.

─ Build an investment portfolio that’s geared towards the long-term, dealing with the shocks and uncertainties

─ Potentially uncover (and even create) complementary investments that enhance the transformative potential of a portfolio, as well as identify new investment opportunities.

─ Make your strategies more effective: describe, measure and communicate the transformative potential of investment opportunities


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Discover more about deep transitions

Transformative investment: New rules for investing in sustainability transitions
Journal article

Transformative investment: New rules for investing in sustainability transitions

Closing the financial gap for promoting systemic socio-economic transformations to achieve sustainability requires both a substantial increase in investment levels and a qualitative change in investment strategies. In this Perspective, we elaborate on this claim and discuss why existing investment approaches that aim to make positive contributions to sustainability are unlikely to foster the systemic transformations needed for sustainability. Qualitative change means changing the current rules that guide investment practices and we outline a new set of rules that should guide transformative investment. These rules are based on the well-established socio-technical sustainability transition theory and the recent development of a theory of deep transitions. We explain why these transformative investment rules offer a promising alternative base for assessing investment opportunities and monitoring progress toward the multi-system changes required to achieve a socially just deep transition to sustainability.

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Shocks, institutional change, and sustainability transitions
Journal article

Shocks, institutional change, and sustainability transitions

Shocks such as wars, financial crises, and environmental disasters, play an important role in influencing the direction of sociotechnical systems such as energy, food, and mobility. We develop understandings of the effects of shocks on systems through the concept of imprinting, which looks at how the different conditions of a time-restricted period of a shock can bring about rapid changes in sociotechnical systems with long-lasting changes. We explore this concept through analysing two shocks and effects on the energy system: World War II and the 1973 Oil crisis. Prospective sustainability transitions will be effected by shocks such as climate change impacts and conflicts and thus understanding the long-term effects of shocks through imprinting will be a useful additional perspective.

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